
Each year, in fulfilment of its charitable objects, the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust seeks to make a small number of modest grants to assist projects of serious research and commemoration relating to the heritage of SOE and special forces.

Grant Policy

The following categories of activity will be considered for support:

1. Museum Collections

The acquisition, cataloguing, care and display of records and objects relating to the history of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and special forces, their operations, organisation and personnel, by specialist museums and archives.

2. Conferences and Symposia

Contributions to the cost of organising academic conferences, workshops and symposia on the role and history of SOE and special forces, their organisation and personnel.

3. Research and Publications

Contributions towards the cost of academic research leading to the publication of serious histories of SOE and special forces operations, organisation and personnel. Applications in this category must be endorsed by an academic referee of appropriate standing.

4. Memorials and Plaques

The erection of plaques marking historic sites and buildings associated with SOE and special forces, and contributions towards the cost of memorials relating to SOE and special forces.

5. Visits, Exchanges and Commemorative Events

Contributions towards the cost of organising and participating in veterans’ reunions, pilgrimages to relevant historic sites, and other commemorative events relating to SOE and special forces operations, sites and personnel. Priority in this category is given to events and activities enabling young people, including the descendants of SOE and special forces personnel and those engaged in related uniformed services today, to gain an understanding of the roles of these services, past and present.

Application Procedure

The Trustees review grant applications twice a year in the early summer and winter.

Applications should be made in hard copy and sent to the Secretary of the Trust: Michael Martin Esq, The Old Dairy, Steep Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 3RX United Kingdom.

Decisions for applications received by 1st April will be forthcoming that summer.

Decisions for applications received by 1st October will be forthcoming that winter.

All applications must include the following information:

  • a full explanation of the project;
  • the timetable for starting and completing the work;
  • the CV of the applicant;
  • a breakdown of all costs and all contributions obtained or sought from other sources; the amount requested from the Holdsworth Trust and the costs it is intended to defray; an explanation of how a grant from the Holdsworth Trust would be acknowledged.

Applications from organisations must be signed or countersigned by the executive head or chairman.

Applications for research grants must be endorsed by an academic referee of appropriate standing.

The decision of the Trustees shall be final.